Friday, July 31, 2009

Announcement: Don't Feel Touching..Lah.!

Ini only suitable for readers yang bersemangat, bermaruah, love the country dan paling penting untuk mereka yang mempunyai 2 BALLS and berani not setiakawan but ready serve for negara. If U are tak berani or takut kepala masuk dalam macam kura-kura and poyo cakap perjuangan I think better U menyamar stay with pengawal Istana and talking with the Royal Kuda there. If U beranilah come join esok and jangan talk-talk to much but I rasa u not cominglah. Sure punya. I bukan nak hentam U but I feel u mesti must datang if U rasa no.1 lah..!

Don’t feel touching..lah..!

1 comment:


Dasyat la bro, wa caya sdama lu bro!