Wednesday, September 21, 2011

PANAS! Dr. Brian Karipapkan Anwar Ibrahim

Rangkaian Peguam Anwar bersungguh-sungguh mahu tampilkan pakar mereka sendiri. Anwar juga begitu yakin pakar karipap yang dibawanya lebih efisen.

Pada tanggapan Anwar dengan membawa muka mat saleh sebagai pembelanya akan membuatkan semua rakyat dan penyokong kagum dengan tahap networking Anwar. Muka yang fresh dan sijil akademik yang bergulung akan mengagumkan barisan pendakwaraya.

Podaah cit..! Anwar sudah dikaripapkan penebar piza dari Australia.

Apa yang didedahkan The Mole amat-amat mengejutkan. Nama web pun dah macam perli Anwar. Hehehe....

In fact the lack of qualification caused the judge to question how McDonald can be considered qualified to operate a pathology lab as prescribed by the laws of Australia.

In Para 52, the judge said:

“The only possible relevant course addition to Dr McDonald’s university studies as revealed in his curriculum vitae which he has done was in 1993, being the NATA assessor’s course in DNA testing laboratory accreditation, but which he said did not assess or accredit him in any way (T231). I am therefore left not knowing the basis upon which Dr McDonald is able to operate and accredited pathology laboratory within the meaning of s23DN ad s23DNA of the Health Insurance Act, other that that he is a senior scientist as definer therein.”

NATA is National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia.

After reviewing testimony from other experts, the judge comes to an even more shocking conclusion that despite a lack of expertise in a particular area, McDonald found no difficulty in running down the testimony of real experts in the field.

“This explains why Dr McDonald is not an expert. He does not have the expertise to derive and validate a subpopulation model. He cannot follow the derivatives in such model. He has not attempted to follow the derivations of the subpopulation model used by Dr Buckleton in this case (T237). However, when he looks at the observed profiles against the expected or predicted profiles, he says that the model prepared by Dr Buckleton is “flawed” (T237).”

In fact, Dr. Brain Mcdonald sudah ada jurnal law kes yang mempertikaikan kredibilitinya. Sepertimana yang didedahkan, hakim Aussie pun tolak kelayakan Dr. Brian.

Apakah aneh untuk sebuah negara yang mengiktiraf kesamaan gender dan support untuk homoseksual komuniti macam Anwar menafikan kelayakan Dr. Brian?

Dalam menegakkan keadilan, fakta kes adalah fakta yang tidak boleh diubah. Beban bukti yang terletak pada Anwar sudah menampakkan kebenaran. 

Mahu tunggu saja bendera putih dari Karpal Singh. Hehehehe......

Anwar sudah sikap pilih pakar. Yang dicari pakar DNA bukan pakar karipap yang mahu kaut keuntungan.

Jika hakim Aussie pun mentah-mentah tolak kredibiliti Brian takkan hakim disini mahu terima keterangan Brian sebagai bullet proof Anwar berjoget di luar mahkamah.

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