Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Pariah...Itu Azmin Yang Kata Pada Gobalakrishnan

Jenapala Panggil Azmin Rasis

PETALING JAYA: PKR deputy presidency hopeful PS Jenapala today called vice-president Azmin Ali a "racist" who is unfit to be elected as the party's deputy president.

"A few years ago, he (Azmin) called N Gopalakrishnan a 'pariah' at a supreme council meeting at the party headquarters here," Jenapala told a press conference here.

He demanded Azmin publicly apologise to all Malaysian Indians for what he said.

"We will never forget what he said,” said Jenapala, a former PKR deputy secretary-general.

He said those present at the supreme council meeting who heard what Azmin said were blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin, PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, former secretary-general Mohd Anuar Mohd Tahir and human rights activist Irene Fernandez.

However, Jenapala said he was not in the room when Azmin made the derogatory remark.

When contacted, Gopalakrishnan refused to comment. Fernandez said she could not remember but doubted that Azmin had uttered such a remark as he was a "credible" leader.

"What he said was something very disgraceful for a leader, especially one that aspires to be deputy president, and possibly a deputy prime minister later," said Jenapala.

On his purported sacking, he said the party has not provided any proof until today.

He also said he has received two nominations from two divisions in Sabah, which qualifies him to contest the deputy presidential post.

"Now that I qualify, what is PKR's stand? The party should do what's right... apologise, withdraw my 'sacking' and send me a consent letter for me to contest. If not, I will go to every member and explain what the party did to me," he said.


Macam biasa Malaysiakini yang dikelilingi oleh keling macam Steven Gan tak pikap cerita-cerita yang boleh bakar hati reader keling anti-kerajaan. Oleh kerana FMT adalah proksi Zaid Ibrahim dan Azmin selalu pukul curi Zaid dari belakang, sudah jadi kewajipan untuk damage imej Azmin dengan papar cerita ini.

Seronok tengok drama wayang macam ini.


  1. Gopalamkrisnan tak marah pun!!! Memang dia kasta tu kot?

  2. Hahahaha... Gobala...Gobala.. Kalau lah betol macam tu, engkau ni menyalak aje kuat..
    Pigidahhhh.. Poodahhh.!!!

  3. memang par pon..apa nak heran..cakap berbelit-belit..kutuk melayu..lani baru nak teringat balik orang gelaq hang paria?

  4. benda yang benar pasal apa nak marah..
    siapa gobala ni kalu bukan paraih..
    keling2 yg ada buat haru hara dalam pc rohimi tu bukan pariah ke?
    jangan lah marah kalu dipanggil pariah..
    tak sedap lah panggil keling saja,macam masakan kurang garam pula.mesti ada keling pariah...
    bukan ke lebih sopan.

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